Blowdown Separators

SHIPCO PUMPS – A Blowdown Separator reduces the boiler blowdown water (along with chemicals and dirt) to atmospheric pressure and cools its temperature before being piped into a drain. Tanks can be built as vertical orientation with stand. Tanks made of heavy-duty steel with stainless steel wear plates and designed to 150 or 300 psig with national board stamp. An optional manual or automatic after cooler is available. Various sizes are available.
SUPERIOR BOILER WORKS – Superior Boiler Works Blowdown Separator is designed to receive the boiler blowdown water, reduce it to atmospheric pressure, and cool it before releasing it for safe disposal. Constructed of ASME Code boiler plate, it meets or exceeds the design requirements of ASME Section VIII, Division 1 for 150 psig, and stamped accordingly. Eight standard sizes will adequately cover most boiler sizes and operating pressures up to 250 psig. Custom sizes and pressures are available.
*Some Manufacturer’s may not be available in all locations. Refer to Sales Office Line Cards.