Blowdown Tanks

PARKER BOILER – The Parker Blowoff Tank is a high quality, heavy-duty tank properly designed with adequate volume to provide a safe and effective blowoff which is necessary for flushing steam boilers. All tanks have been tested for the sizes of Parker Boilers listed and approved by the Manufacturer for safe and proper blowoff. The Parker Blowoff Tank is recommended with all steam boilers. It is required by most local inspection jurisdictions.
SHIPCO PUMPS – Blowdown Tanks (BDT) are ASME code stamped for 150 psig (minimum 5/16″ thick). These vessels provide an alternate way of cooling the bottom boiler blowdown. The tank is designed to break up the blowdown flow by hitting the tangential stainless steel wear plate in the vessel. Unit can be fitted with optional after cooler. Various sizes and shapes are available to meet your specifications
*Some Manufacturer’s may not be available in all locations. Refer to Sales Office Line Cards.