Vertical Firetube
The original vertical tubeless down-fired design have remained a compact trouble-free boiler for over 60 years, supplying steam and hot water to virtually every type of industry imaginable. Vertical tubeless boilers offer efficiencies up to 84%, and can be ordered with oil and/or gas capabilities with low emissions burners (gas only).
SUPERIOR BOILER – Superior offers both Down-Fired Vertical Tube Boilers and Side-Fired Vertical Tube Boilers.
PRECISION – The Precision Model “FPS” Vertical Fire Tube Steam Boiler features the traditional Fire Tube design in the vertical configuration with an under-fired power burner. In addition to the simplicity of the 4-piece design, the Model “FPS” includes many advantages over other vertical configured boilers such as larger water volume and steam chest which reduce cycling and improve overall efficiency, easier sludge cleanout, standard “off-the-shelf” burners, and the proven Fire Tube reliability. An integral feedwater preheater eliminates “cold water shock” problems characteristic of some fixed